Germs may be hiding in plain sight. Start spreading cleanliness in these germ hotspots!

3 weeks ago 12

Presented by: Casino Ethyl Alcohol

Published February 20, 2025 4:42pm

From home to office to school, there are many factors that may affect our health. One of these is the natural presence of germs in our surroundings. Knowing that they may bring illness can be somewhat alarming but when we understand the ways we may come in contact with them, we can take control of how to avoid sickness and take better care of ourselves and each other.

At home

Because of how often we turn the lights on and off, we forget how much the switches are also touched by every member of the household. The action begins to feel so inconsequential until someone contracts a cold, a cough, or touches it with dirty hands. This is when germs may travel from one hand to the next and possibly spread a sickness you did not expect. This also applies to door knobs, the buttons on your appliances, and even refrigerator doors.

Another contact point can be the online shopping packages we receive. Now that it has become easier to simply wait for the goods to be delivered to you instead of visiting a physical store, we constantly bring boxes and plastic bags into our homes. The problem is that we don’t know where they have been or what they have come in contact with. In our excitement to check out that new purchase, we may forget to disinfect them, bringing in unknown germs into the home, onto tables and hands.

At the office

In a space where people constantly move in, out, and around, there are more chances of becoming exposed to surfaces with unwanted germs. When you’re helping out your officemate at their workstation, it may be unavoidable to touch the computer mouse, keyboards, the tops of desks, or phones. The buttons on the copy machine, the coffee pot in your pantry, or the pen you borrowed to sign a document are all suspect as well. Without proper disinfection, germs might make you take an unscheduled leave from work.

Hurrying to make it on time to the office is also very common. When the method used to time into your workplace is through fingerprint biometrics, people who come in from their commute during the morning rush hour can bring with them the germs from public transport and passageways that they take on their way. Germs can travel along with them and clock in for the day to be passed around from one worker to another. Before you know it, it could be the end of the day and you could be taking those germs home with you.

At school

At school, when a child gets sick, many of their classmates usually catch the sickness too. Because kids are mostly unaware of how there may be consequences to borrowing things from others because of germs, it becomes more difficult to keep sickness from being spread. When precautions are lacking, kids can easily get infected. A pen, a book, a mobile phone–these are only some of the things that can prove to be “germ-y.” These are all things that are passed around the classroom or library, and germs can possibly be passed around right along with them.

During recess and lunch breaks, the cafeteria becomes a haven of fun for students, but it can also be a haven for the spread of germs. Aside from the table surfaces, money may carry microbes as it exchanges hands during payment. As kids break out their allowances to buy their meals, bills and coins that have been across different establishments may carry germs that are likely to be spread around. If these are transferred to hands, utensils, or even food, germs may pose a threat to food safety when ingested.

There are many more unexpected places and activities where we may come in contact with germs that may cause sickness. Whether it’s at home, at work, or at school, eliminating bacteria and viruses can easily be carried out through the proper use of ethyl alcohol for disinfection.

Ethyl Alcohol (Casino Regular) can kill up to 99.9% of germs based on representative germs tested, helping with our disinfection needs. When we practice proper hygiene and get used to keeping our surroundings sanitized, this rubbing alcohol can be your aid in steering clear of preventable illness.

It’s also the country’s number one ethyl alcohol brand (International Pharmaceuticals, Inc. calculation based in part on data reported by the NielsenIQ through its Retail Index Service for the Rubbing Alcohol category for the 52-week period ending August 2024, for Total Philippines. [Copyright © 2024. NielsenIQ Philippines, Inc.]).

Additionally, Ethyl Alcohol (Casino) comes in various scents—from Ethyl Alcohol's (Casino Femme with Dual Moisturizer) floral scent to Ethyl Alcohol's (Casino Active) cool scent. Casino Sanitizer, another product variant, features a sweet, powdery scent. With all these good vibes, it's easy to start a clean routine. So, remember: safety through cleanliness is just a habit away with Ethyl Alcohol (Casino)!


ASC Reference No. I0200P013025C

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