A Sunday well spent brings Antonio Ressano a week of content

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To this Manila-based Portuguese-Argentinian urban specialist, weekends, too special to be confined to a day or two, are meant to be stretched to the fullest, whatever the cost

ARGENTINIANS IN MANILA Argentian consul Fabricio Sordoni and Antonio with furry friends Malthe and Gaucho.jpgARGENTINIANS IN MANILA Argentian consul Fabricio Sordoni and Antonio with furry friends Malthe and Gaucho

Antonio Ressano carries with him the spirit of two worlds, half-Portuguese and half-Argentinian by blood and by heart, yet it’s in Manila where he found his home. He arrived 20 years ago to join the Asian Development Bank, where he now leads support for regional cooperation and integration initiatives across Southeast Asia.

Before Manila, Antonio’s path wove through diplomatic circles and political lobbying in the European Union. His upbringing as the son of a Portuguese ambassador meant moving from country to country was second nature to him. But something about the Philippines kept him still. Its warmth, its people, its unmistakable charm made Manila feel less like another stop and more like a place to stay.

Beyond his professional life, Antonio’s love for good food led him to open Cyma Boracay in 2005, a restaurant that continues to thrive today. But perhaps his proudest role is closer to home. He is a devoted dad to his twin sons with Rocio Olbes, deeply involved in their every step.

What is your idea of a perfect Sunday?

Between work, travel and social events, my weekly schedule is usually a very hectic one, so my ultimate Sunday would involve catching up on sleep, doing an easy-going brunch with close friends, taking my sons out for some fun activity, and allowing myself some time for self-reflection.

Best word to describe Sunday

Self-awareness. By doing things you truly enjoy and with people you feel comfortable with, you naturally give yourself the space to think of important things in life.

Book you recommend as a Sunday read

The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin. While a lot of self-help literature on handling life challenges can be quite prescriptive and pressurizing, I found that this book provides some excellent guidance on developing the right mindset for approaching life by illustrating it with how artists manage their own creative flow.

FATHER AND SONS Antonio and twin sons Fede and Fonsi.jpgFATHER AND SONS Antonio and twin sons Fede and Fonsi

Best Sunday companion

My five-year-old twin sons Fede and Fonsi. I am currently going through a marital separation, and while my ex-wife and I are handling everything wonderfully, it is still a difficult emotional process. My boys give me so much love and joy on an important family day such as Sunday.

What is the most extravagant thing you could think of having or doing on a Sunday?

Extending a trip until the very end of Sunday by flying or driving back late at night. The holiday extension, even by only a few precious hours, not allowing myself to wind down on Sunday evening, can prove to be very costly for the start of the week.

What would be the perfect topic for Sunday brunch conversation?

Replaying with friends the best moments of the previous night while sharing some good laughs or planning a trip for the next weekend.

Best movie or series that once made your Sunday

My parents and I were big fans of British TV, so I have very fond memories of family Sundays in Portugal in the ’80s and ’90s, where we would watch a variety of series. As a career ambassador, my father would love anything political and historical, whether comedy series such as Yes, Prime Minister and Blackadder or dramas such as Pride and Prejudice and Upstairs, Downstairs.

A quotable quote about Sunday that’s made for you

I had to do some search as I couldn’t think of a quote about Sundays! But I would keep it simple and choose this anonymous rhyming quote “A Sunday well spent brings a week of content.

What does “wear your Sunday Best” mean to you?

Casual but elegant. Usually, I go for caps, polo shirts, shorts, and sneakers or espadrilles. My priority is always comfort, but I also love being stylish!

If you were to write a book about the Sundays of your life, what would be the title?

Happy Sundays, Happier Life

SPRITZ SURPRISE Antonio at the Salcedo Village nightspot with friends, from left, Monique Madsen, Patrick Coard, Kifu Augousti, and Rally Martinez.jpgSPRITZ SURPRISE Antonio at the Salcedo Village nightspot with friends, from left, Monique Madsen, Patrick Coard, Kifu Augousti, and Rally Martinez

Best Sunday ever in your memory

It was in my favorite resort in Bohol, Ananyana, owned by good friend Emma Gomez. I had just proposed to my wife, who obviously had said yes. Emma let me use her own room, a beautiful large suite on a second floor with a balcony facing the ocean. It was during the new-year holidays, our last night was on Sunday, and I still had a few days before going back to work. I felt like all my worries had gone away and my life was complete. I wouldn’t have changed a single detail of this day.

Also, all Sundays, grabbing lunch at Cyma Boracay with my twin sons Fede and Fonsi before our afternoon flight back to Manila and hearing them say, “We love Boracay and don’t want to leave,” are always something to remember. Besides my restaurant and some fond memories with loved ones, I have a special attachment to the island.

Worst Sunday in your life

Me, giving a eulogy at my father’s wake. I was on a work trip in Tacheng, one of the most remote places on earth, right on the border between China and Kazakhstan. The voyage to Portugal seemed like it would never end and, despite the exhaustion, I never felt more awake in my life as I did on that Sunday.


If Sunday were a flavor, what would this flavor be?

Definitely, the savory flavors stand out. I associate Sundays with large amounts and varieties of food, for nursing a hangover or just trying new dishes from one of my many amazing chef friends in Manila. Stephanie Zubiri’s roast chicken comes to mind! A perfectly grilled fish with my father at our favorite seaside restaurant in Portugal, however, also stands out.

Where in the world would you like to be next Sunday, if you could just go there by magic?

At Inara Resort in Siargao. Natalia Zobel has done a fantastic job at putting together a beautiful and refined, yet cozy and welcoming place. From the food and service to the rooms and the feel of the place, everything is very well done.

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