Update on My Complaint Against PLDT Home WiFi 5G+

1 month ago 8

I previously posted about PLDT's silent firmware update that blocked other Smart SIMs (like TNT and regular Smart LTE SIMs) from working on the PLDT Home WiFi 5G+ (H153/H155) modems after purchase. This was never clearly disclosed before buying the device, and it left customers with no choice but to use the included Smart Bro SIM.

I filed formal complaints with the NTC and DTI. Here’s what happened so far:

PLDT responded by completely ignoring my actual complaint and simply reiterating that the modem is "SIM-locked to Smart." They attached a screenshot from their website that states "SIM-locked to Smart" and tried to close the case without addressing the silent firmware update that restricted SIM usage post-purchase.

They did not answer why the modem initially worked with other Smart SIMs and why they later blocked them without notifying customers.

PLDT then asked the NTC to close my complaint, even though my concerns about post-purchase restrictions and lack of clear disclosure remain unaddressed.

The NTC acknowledged my complaint and stated that they will act on it accordingly. They also advised me to follow up if PLDT remains unresponsive, which I fully intend to do.

PLDT still refuses to acknowledge the deceptive nature of their actions. They:

Did not deny that a firmware update restricted the modem post-purchase. Refused to explain why this change was made silently. Ignored my request for a firmware rollback or refund option for affected users. The NTC is still looking into the issue, and I encourage anyone else affected by this to file complaints with both NTC and DTI. The more complaints they receive, the stronger the case for action against PLDT.

File a complaint with NTC – Email consumer@ntc.gov.ph File a complaint with DTI – Email consumercare@dti.gov.ph with details of the issue.

This kind of anti-consumer practice should not be tolerated. If you've been affected, make your voice heard.

I’ll continue to update as I receive more responses from NTC and DTI.

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