As you may know ive managed to take home a chinese military buoy (grey one in middle of picture). initially it fooled most of us originally because of the UN stickers but after i opened it (hoping to find a contact) i found out its owned by the chinese military. after my research i now know this isnt event he first time china has had these spy buoys/drones floating around.
im going to give it to the government now that ive finished my research but i wanted to update everyone here with my research before i do so and it gets hidden away.
also i wanted to know everyones opinion on these chinese drones/buoys getting found spying. so now china is pretending they are UN buoys to do spying
my research:
it had a project number on the inside of it being SDSITC-01190804 civil-military integration
it has a self destruct function (that ive learnt most likely doesnt make it explode) but destroys the inside so no one can see it - why would a regular research buoy need this?
the labortory that made the buoy got found out to be using spying drones in the past 'cimsec dolphin project' hy-119 - if they have been found to be spying before why would this one not be?
a article that shows its for ship detection - not researching wave levels lol
a article that said the laoshan labortory does military stuff pretending to be researching to trick companies like the UN
Xi Jinping even went to laoshan labortory and talking about how good it is that they are doing military research
QNLM changed there name to laoshan laboratory because of the known military links they had and research partners were breaking ties with them