Ah, once more moving are his hands,
Turning the seasons, changing the lands.
At work is Janus the great,
Bringing end, yet he creates.
Thus is the great cycle of everything,
There is no death nor living.
One truth we only find,
That forever entrances the mind.
For when something comes to cease,
There will be new birthing with ease.
Truly there exists no distinction,
Between start and final destruction.
Flux is the nature of all things,
This is the meaning of meanings.
Endings are merely a shift in being.
The change of form of anything.
(First published in Sci-Wings, the official English publication of the Philippine Science High School Southern Mindanao Campus. Jan-Mar 2012 issue.
‘The Start of the New’ is also the title of the book of the late Lorenzo Mendoza de Vera, a graduate of Philippine Science High School Batch 2013 who pursued BS Math at the University of the Philippines in Diliman. The book features his essays, poems and short stories. It was launched on March 4 at Casa Munda in Davao City, on what would have been his 29th birthday. He passed on in February 2021).