Quimbo is House budget panel OIC

2 months ago 20

THE House of Representatives has assigned Marikina Rep. Stella Luz A. Quimbo as officer-in-charge (OIC) of the chamber’s appropriations committee, which was vacated in a surprise move on Monday.

In a statement, House Secretary-General Reginald S. Velasco said Ms. Quimbo would serve as “acting leader” of the House budget panel, performing in an “acting capacity” while congressmen are yet to name a replacement for Party-list Rep. Elizaldy S. Co.

The House floor on Monday declared the chairmanship of the appropriations committee vacant as Mr. Co “stepped down” from the post amid health concerns.

“She (Ms. Quimbo) is serving as the Officer-in-Charge of the committee and will perform the functions of the chairperson in an acting capacity until the House designates a permanent chairperson in accordance with the applicable rules,” said Mr. Velasco.

Ms. Quimbo is the House budget panel’s highest-ranking officer aside from the chairman, serving as senior vice-chairperson of the committee before being designated as OIC.

In an interview with reporters, Ms. Quimbo said the appropriation committee will continue its legislative work without a hitch despite Mr. Co’s departure from the body.

“[The] committee of appropriations will continue to function as before,” she said. — Kenneth Christiane L. Basilio

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