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What powers do you give, what responsibilities and services should you expect when you elect a senator?
Term of Office
- 6 years starting noon of June 30 following election day
- Can be elected to a maximum of 2 consecutive terms in office
- Natural-born Filipino citizen
- At least 35 years old on election day
- Able to read and write
- Registered voter
- Resident of the Philippines for at least 2 years immediately preceding the day of the election
Powers and Responsibilities
- Create bills, resolutions, concurrent resolutions, and simple resolutions
- Debate measures in respective committees and during plenary sessions
- Conduct inquiries in aid of legislation
- Propose or concur with amendments in the appropriation of funds by the House of Representatives
- Try and decide cases of impeachment
- Declare the existence of a state of war (two-thirds vote along with the House, voting separately)
- Authorize the president to exercise powers to carry out a declared national policy “for a limited period and subject to restrictions” in times of war or other national emergency
- Revoke or extend the president’s proclamation of martial law
- Concur with or reject amnesty by the president
- Concur with or reject treaties or international agreements (two-thirds vote)
- Propose amendments to the Constitution through a constituent assembly or constitutional convention
- Make full disclosure of financial and business interests, and notify the chamber of possible conflicts of interest when filing legislation of which they are authors
Sources: 1987 Philippine Constitution, Rappler article: Beyond legislation: Powers, roles of Philippine lawmakers
– Research by Michelle Abad/
Read the other articles in this series:
- Powers and Duties: President, Vice President of the Philippines
- Powers and Duties: District Representative, Party List Representative in the Philippines
- Powers and Duties: Provincial Governor, Vice Governor, Board Member in the Philippines
- Powers and Duties: City Mayor, Vice Mayor, Councilor in the Philippines
- Powers and Duties: Municipal Mayor, Vice Mayor, Councilor in the Philippines
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