Positive thinking does not work

1 month ago 16

“Just close your eyes. Visualize. Gaze at your belly button. Sit in your lotus position, empty your mind and something wonderful will happen.” These are the words of modern-day charlatans who promise quick money and quick success through some mysterious and mystical magic in rituals they do. And gullible people pay good money to attend.

As I think about this, the one thing I have to confirm is this: it works! Yes, it really works! When they are told to empty their minds, their minds really become empty – devoid of logic, reason and common sense. This is what happens to them.

On the other end of the spectrum, teachings on positive thinking are carried to an extreme. Just think positive and everything will turn out right. This is likewise crazy.

I was in New York listening to famous author and speaker Jim Collins narrating a story about prisoners of war. Some gave up hope, and some were tenacious enough to stay there. Those who gave up hope died early, and when asked why, the reason was that those who gave up hope and died early did so because of optimism!

I was taken aback. How could that be? I so excitedly awaited Collins’ explanation.

He says the prisoner’s optimism tells him he would be released before Christmas. And so, he tries to think positively. And then one Christmas comes and then another, and his positive thinking turns to despair, and despair leads to hopelessness. And this is why they give up hope, and they die earlier.

Positive thinking is not bad at all because it is definitely better than negative thinking. Ronnie Shakes says: “I was going to buy a copy of The Power of Positive Thinking, and then I thought: What the hell good would that do?”

However, positive thinking alone should encompass realism and the ability to face brutal facts. This principle works for business, and this principle works for life. Get a CEO with a sales background whose only slogan in life is “Yes, we can!” and his unchecked optimism might just run the business to the ground. On the other hand, if an ultra-conservative finance person were to run the business based on his restrictive worldview, the business may not grow to its full potential.

You and I need to take a serious look at our environment. We need to be realistic enough to recognize that certain laws operate in the universe, and no amount of positive thinking can make us alter them.

Take gravity, for example. It’s been around for a while and doesn’t appear to be going anywhere. You can convince yourself that you are a descendant of Superman and, in your positive thinking, fly and defy gravity, which would be very dangerous. When you jump off a building, you do not defy gravity. You simply confirm it, especially during the landing.

You may be playing for a basketball team with 20 points behind and one minute to go. You may even shout, “Beat them!” but nothing short of a miracle would make you win the game.

I am saying that optimism should be tempered by realism. Respect universal laws. Logic is a friend of faith.

Do your homework. Study history. Face the brutal facts. The one universal law that operates that is totally irrefutable is the law given in the Scriptures that says: “Whatsoever you sow, you shall reap.”

Don’t waste time on silly seminars and absurd meetings that would only leave you a little bit poorer and a lot crazier.

Love God with all of your heart, soul, strength and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. These are laws that work all the time.

(Level Up Leadership 2.0 Online last run for this year will happen on Feb. 25, 2025, but will be strictly limited to a class of 40. For inquiries and reservations, contact April at +63928-559-1798 or for more information, visit www.levelupleadership.ph)

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