There is no basis to accept the asylum request of Mr. Roque as there are no well-founded reasons for his claim of political persecution in the Philippines. In fact, as the spokesperson of former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, Mr. Roque is affiliated with dominant political parties and forces of the Dutertes, which still remain in power and, up to this day, are highly influential in Philippine politics.
The asylum application of Mr. Roque is a deceptive strategy for him to avoid any criminal proceedings such as the current investigations or the potential filing of legal charges in the Philippines in connection with Mr. Roque’s alleged links to Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGO) which have been recently outlawed in the Philippines.
By successfully evading a joint Congressional hearing on POGO issues last year, Mr. Roque showed willful disregard for truth-seeking and a gross disrespect for Philippine laws.
To approve or provide asylum to Mr. Roque in The Netherlands would in effect make Dutch institutions a party to the intentions of Mr. Roque to subvert a valid probe into the POGO issues. Aside from his real intentions to disregard Philippine laws and Dutch provisions on valid asylum procedures, Mr. Roque is using to his own advantage asylum benefits, and depriving eligible asylum seekers of the same facilities and provisions.
Mr. Roque’s motive to elude accountability or investigations into his alleged dubious links with POGO personalities and issues also violates Dutch rules on asylum procedures since Mr. Roque does not face or is threatened with the death penalty, torture, or execution in his country of birth. Contrary to his claims, the Congressional and Senate hearings in the Philippines are meant to enable him to fully explain his actions regarding salient POGO issues.