MTRCB: Pepsi Paloma film not yet under review

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 Pepsi Paloma film not yet under review

The MTRCB says it has yet to receive all the requirements needed for the review of 'The Rapists of Pepsi Paloma'

MANILA, Philippines – The Movie and Television Review and Classification Board said on Wednesday, January 29, that it has yet to review Darryl Yap’s controversial film about Pepsi Paloma.

“Contrary to a false claim, the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) hereby serves notice that the Pepsi Paloma movie is currently NOT UNDER REVIEW due to incomplete requirements,” the MTRCB said.

The MTRCB warned that any misinformation or false narratives aiming to discredit the agency, mislead the public, and “undermine its mandate to protect the public interest” will be dealt with under the law.

“To set the record straight, the MTRCB Registration Unit could not accept the materials submitted by the representative of Pinoyflix because the Legal Affairs Division required the distributor to provide three specific requirements such as Certificate or Clearance of No Pending Criminal, Civil, or Administrative Case from the Regional Trial Court, the Department of Justice, and the Office of the City Prosecutor,” it added.

The board said that its Legal Affairs Division has already formally communicated with the film’s distributor, PinoyFlix Films and Entertainment Production, in relation to the incomplete requirements.

“This is to ensure that there will be no violation of the PD 1986 and its Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR),” the board said.

All film applications undergo an initial review by a three-member committee, with a second review by a five-member panel, if needed.

“Each film undergoes a rigorous and meticulous review process that evaluates every detail against the standards set by Presidential Decree No. 1986,” MTRCB said.

The MTRCB, which has 30 board members, is chaired by Lala Sotto, daughter of former senator Sotto and niece of Eat Bulaga host Vic Sotto.

Earlier in January, director Darryl Yap released a teaser for his film The Rapists of Pepsi Paloma, which led to Vic Sotto filing a cyber libel complaint against Yap on January 9. The case includes 19 counts of violating Section 4 of Republic Act 10175, or the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2022, along with a request for P35 million in moral and exemplary damages.

In the trailer, there is a scene where the character of Charito Solis, played by Gina Alajar, asks Pepsi Paloma’s character to confirm if she had been raped by Vic Sotto, to which she responded yes.

Sotto filed a petition for a writ of habeas data, arguing against using his name and image in the film.

On January 13, the Muntinlupa court issued a gag order in relation to the the case, requiring both parties to maintain “strict confidentiality” and prohibiting them from publicly discussing any details until the case is resolved.

A Muntinlupa City court ordered the removal of the teaser on January 24. –

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