Modify your h153 router (dont buy from scammers)

1 week ago 7

Hello everyone I just wanted to show you guys how easy it is to modify your router for boosted signal. I was getting around 60%-75% signal strength (using the optimize location feature), and no matter how much i try to position it around my house i can't seem to get a reliably good signal. I was getting at most 100mbs and usually 50mbs-60mbs with the stock router. I was pretty sure i can get up to higher speeds because my smart sim phone speed test when i go outside is around 200+ mbps which meant i wasn't getting the full internet speeds due go the signals.

I was checking for a modified version of the router and I was shocked to see that they're selling it up to +1k from the original price. I thought to myself that if they can modify it so can I. So i went on YouTube and found this yt link of how he was able to modify it.

I bought the cables needed, borrowed a wireless drill and i just did it. I spent 76 pesos on the cables+ shipping fee. I already had the antenna lying around in my house so i just reused that one. After doing all this my signal strength percentage went up to 90%-95%. I was getting 250mbps(check last slide) and this was just the usual- at most i could get up to 300+ mbps.

I'm writing this to tell u guys that buying the modified ones are actual scams. Please don't even considering buying one when you can do it for cheap. You dont need to be experienced to do this. It was well worth it for the 76 pesos i paid(without the antennas tho).


  1. wire link: (u need 2)

  2. I didn't do the 4 antennas like the one on the video or what u see in other modified routers because the other two are for the 4g signal which i didn't care about.

  3. i just used a spare antennas which was used from another router. i honestly didn't expect it to work but i just tested it anyway and it did work so I didn't bother buying.

  4. When you removed the 3rd screw you have to slide the front panel going up. The video didn't show that clearly, it took me a while to figure it out.

  5. Pls do your own checking before considering to modify this.Test the signal in other places.

  6. yes it was easy that I did it on my bed

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