Mindoro enjoys lower power rates

1 month ago 16

CALAPAN CITY, Oriental Mindoro — Power rates in the service area of the Oriental Mindoro Electric Cooperative (Ormeco) have declined for the second consecutive billing month with an average of P1.413/kWh (kilowatt-hour), data from the cooperative show.

In a post from their social media page, Ormeco said that the December rate of P14.313/kWh was P1.701/kWh lower compared to November rate of P16.011/kWh. This was further reduced in January with the rate at P12.970/kWh or a P1.343 reduction.

Ormeco general manager Humphrey Dolor said in a telephone interview on Saturday that the power rates reduction was due to the harnessing of renewable energy (RE) sources like the hydroelectric plants operated by the cooperative and the windmills, less utilization of emergency power supply and lower system loss.

"We are fully harnessing our RE sources, that is less reliance on our Emergency Power Procurement (EPP) scheme that is at true cost, and we are massively arresting power theft that is a major factor in our system loss," explained Dolor.

The general manager said that they are now in the process of ending the contracts with EPP providers as the cooperative is now coordinating with the power providers that are given the go signal by the National Electrification Administration to proceed with providing additional 57-MW (megawatt) power supply to the cooperative.

Dolor said that they are expecting the power providers to start delivering power loads in March.

In its post, Ormeco also announced that according to the power forecast of the National Transmission Commission, for the month of January, the power supply and demand for the province remains sufficient and exceeds current demand with an aver-age of 4.2-MW reserve.

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