Japanese Ambassador Endo Kazuya gives his welcome remarks.
STAR / File
It was a full-packed ballroom at Shangri-La The Fort in BGC. Aside from the many ambassadors and consuls, there were a variety of nationalities that came to join the festive affair.
The tall, handsome young ambassador, Kazuya Endo, who presented his credentials on April 4, 2024, and his lovely wife Akiko Endo, very charming and humble, were the perfect host and hostess.
“It has been said that Japan and the Philippines have entered a ‘Golden Age’ in their relations, and my time here in this country can certainly attest to that sentiment,” said Ambassador Endo.
Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Ma. Ellen B. De La Vega
Rendition of the Japanese and Philippine national anthems led by the Santo Domingo Male Chorale.