I know this might be really off-topic. But seeing what the AI could do and the smarter they get each year or at least the improvements in its architecture, I think it's starting to make ITs irrelevant for companies to hire.
Like Web or graphics designers. The AI could easily do 3D graphics which would cost a human days or mostly weeks to even get to finish. I know the AI wouldn't be able to completely do what a graphics designer could but every year, the AI comes closer.
Same with programming or web/app developing, the AI is getting better and better in generating codes and templates that would be easier for you modify instead of finding sourced that you could understand.
So the question remains, which IT-related Jobs would not be affected by this AI-takeover thing? Or are us ITs (I'm a beginner level) are just really going to be obsolete for companies to hire? If so? How long would it take for most companies to use AI over a human IT?