CoA passes international standards assessment, earns equivalent ISO

3 weeks ago 7

The Commission on Audit (CoA) has completed the repeat self-assessment of its methodologies and practices against international standards using the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) through submission of the SAI Performance Report to the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Development Initiative (IDI). The CoA consequently earned an Independent Review Statement from an independent reviewer identified by the IDI.

The INTOSAI SAI PMF and the Independent Review Statement are considered by the Inter-Agency Task Force on the Harmonization of National Government Performance Monitoring, Information and Reporting Systems as equivalent to the ISO 9001-aligned Quality Management System.

The SAI PMF provides a holistic and evidence-based evaluation of SAI’s performance in the areas of Independence and Legal Framework; Internal Governance and Ethics; Audit Quality and Reporting; Financial Management, Assets and Support Services; Human Resources and Training; and Communication and Stakeholder Management.

The CoA SAI PMF Team was composed of seasoned CoA officials who are experts in their respective fields, with the technical and administrative support of its secretariat.

The IDI Independent Reviewer attested that the CoA assessment team leader and members are considered to have the appropriate skills and experience to produce a high-quality assessment, and that the objectives of the review were satisfactorily met in the final report. The Independent Review Statement is published in the Transparency Seal of the CoA website.

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