Bonoan denies charges of physical, financial abuse

1 month ago 14

Louella Desiderio - The Philippine Star

February 11, 2025 | 12:00am

MANILA, Philippines — Former finance undersecretary Emmanuel Bonoan, who stepped back from his role as president of business group Management Association of the Philippines (MAP), has responded to physical and financial abuse allegations made by his daughter, Martina.

In an open letter, Bonoan, COO of KPMG, said he tried to reach out to his daughter in various ways, but she never responded.

He denied his daughter’s claim that he threw his wife in the bathtub when Martina was six years old, saying he had already separated from his wife at the time.

Bonoan also denied allegations of physical abuse as he said his daughter was only aware of her mother’s version of the events.

He cited an incident that took place on Jan. 3, 2020, when he and his wife had a heated argument, but said he also has his own version of the story that his daughter has chosen not to hear.

He said “not all domestic abusers are men.”

The open letter also cited his former partner’s withdrawal of the Violence Against Women and Children complaint she had filed against him.

“In her affidavit of desistance, she specifically stated that she has no complaints against me that she may file, whether criminal, administrative, or civil (except for a petition for declaration of nullity of marriage, annulment or legal separation),” Bonoan said.

He said the public prosecutor then dismissed the case on the ground that it stemmed from a misunderstanding between the parties.

On the allegations of financial abuse, he said he never deducted even a single centavo of support for his daughter.

On the allegations of harassment, he said his daughter had chosen not to have contact with him since 2022.

Despite efforts to reconnect and ask to speak with his daughter, he said his former partner refused and he always respected the decision.

“I have always respected your and her wishes,” he said, questioning how such actions could be considered harassment.

He also said his former partner occasionally sought for opinion on personal and professional matters, which he questioned as inconsistent with the behavior of someone being harassed.

Bonoan said his hard work has allowed his daughter to go to good schools, travel the world and live in comfort.

He said his daughter’s suggestion that his partners in the organization are remiss in calling out wrongs reflects a lack of understanding of the group’s mission, purpose and values.

“It shows a lack of humility on your part. It also shows a lack of respect for the hard work that I put in and which sustained your enviable standard of living,” he said.

“I do not begrudge you or your comfortable lifestyle and I am happy that, in some way, I am responsible for this. I have never been a deadbeat dad. You should at least acknowledge that,” he said.

He said he was hurt by the accusations of financial abuse and manipulation.

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