Tara Bianca, Keana Kyla, Joy and Joel Rustia, Gillana Alexa.
STAR / File
The Grand Ballroom of Shangri-La BGC was transformed into a fully packed castle. It all started with an enchanting vintage music box in the invitation which tickled my imagination of the birthday party I was to attend. And, indeed, it didn’t disappoint.
After cocktails at the lobby, we were whisked to a castle-like entrance with a long, winding red carpet with lanterns lighting the way.
The tables were squeezy tight to accommodate the vast number of guests.
(Seated) Philip and Ching Cruz, the author Grace Glory Go, Susan Joven, (standing) Dong Ronquillo, Joy Rustia, Tina Cuevas, Marco Protacio, Arnel Qiuambao.
It was a star-studded night with the brightest star being Joy Rustia herself! She sang like a pro and so did her daughters who joined her on stage.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? In spite of the fact that Joy was turning 60, her daughters were close to half her age. If I were the “mirror,” I’d still go for Joy!
Joel Rustia is the lucky husband. While at the cocktails, I had a chance to chat with him since their family surname perplexed me. Because I felt that part of Rustan’s was Rustia. Joel explained that they were far relatives on the maternal side.
Joy Wambangco Rustia is also known as a workaholic. As a workaholic myself, I definitely admire another workaholic.
It was being a workaholic that I was able to help my ate Betty Go Belmonte build The Philippine STAR from its early beginnings, right after the Edsa Revolution to becoming what it is today — one of the country’s most-read newspapers — under my nephew Miguel G. Belmonte. Meanwhile, I continue as chairman and CEO of The Philippines Yearbook, now in its 88th year since my father founded it in 1936. Whenever I tried to reach Joy this past week, she was either flying to Los Angeles or Hong Kong, but she never failed to acknowledge the call or text almost immediately.
Consul Helen Ong, Mario Katigbak
I believe that’s how she became the successful businesswoman she is today. It’s amazing how Google refers to her as “seniorella” as the word “Cinderella” uncannily was on my mind when I started writing this article.
Somehow, thinking back to that night of Joy’s 60th birthday celebration, the entire event reminded me of Cinderella.