Appdome launches AI-driven threat management module

1 month ago 16

MOBILE APP security solutions provider Appdome, Inc.’s new artificial intelligence (AI)-native threat-management module will be available in the Philippines within this quarter.

The Threat Dynamics module aims to help businesses identify fraud and cyberattack patterns to prevent them from affecting their apps, Appdome said in a statement.

“On top of lightning-fast incident response, mobile businesses want to benchmark their mobile defense posture against the industry and preempt mobile threats before they escalate. Mobile businesses don’t want to play ‘whack a mole’ with fraud, scams and cyberattacks,” Appdome Chief Executive Officer and Co-creator Tom Tovar said.

“They want AI-driven reconnaissance and benchmarking plus the rapid and automated response of XDR (extended detection and response) in one platform. They want to operationalize extended threat management across the full lifecycle of the mobile business.”

Threat Dynamics uses AI deep learning to evaluate the likelihood of a successful exploit from more than 400+ attack vectors, the company said.

It also calculates a Mobile Risk Index for each mobile business and app, providing context for the threat data provided to these customers.

The module also lets businesses analyze and benchmark their active attack surface against those of other Appdome-defended mobile apps to help them identify fraud and cyberattack patterns early on, rank the potential impact of each attack, and preempt cyberattacks, fraud, and threats.

It shows how fraud, cyberattacks, and other threats move across mobile apps, releases, installations, devices, users, and networks, Appdome added. It also provides key data such as infection rate, attack frequency, attack velocity, cohort placement, variance, and projected impact.

“This allows businesses to see how threats move across the production environment, empowering them to quickly prioritize and focus on the attack vectors with the highest potential impact and preempt these threats before they escalate,” it said.

The module will be offered through Appdome’s ThreatScope Mobile XDR, a real-time platform that helps businesses monitor and respond to cyber, malware and fraud attacks for Android & iOS apps.

“Mobile threat intelligence has traditionally looked at data in the rearview mirror or worse, with blinders on,” said Chris Roeckl, chief product officer at Appdome. “Mobile businesses can’t wait to address the biggest attacks after the fact, waste time trying to manually evaluate threat data from multiple siloes or overreact to the wrong attack. The purpose of Threat Dynamics is to give businesses the power of AI deep learning to allow businesses to preempt attacks and manage and reduce their mobile risk as an active part of the business.”

The Philippines accounted for 3.25% of all online attacks in Southeast Asia last year with about 846,837 recorded threats, according to the latest data from global cybersecurity company Kaspersky. — B.M.D. Cruz

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